Research interests
- Category Theory
- Monads
- Toposes
- Quantum Computing
- Graph Rewriting
- Logic
- Uniform Monad Presentations and Graph Quasitoposes (PhD Thesis, Under review)
- Characterisation of LT-topologies on simplicial sets, bicolored graphs, and fuzzy sets (TbiLLC'23 Post-proceedings) [arxiv] with H.H. Hansen and J. Endrullis.
- Correspondence between Composite Theories and Distributive Laws (CMCS’24) [doi] [arxiv] with M. Zwart, H.H. Hansen, and J. Endrullis.
- Partially simple graphs are Quasitoposes (TbiLLC’23 abstracts) [pdf]
- Fuzzy Presheaves are Quasitoposes (ICGT’23) [doi] [arxiv] with R. Overbeek and J. Endrullis.
- Algebraic presentation of Semifree monads (CMCS’22) [doi] [arxiv] with H.H. Hansen and J. Endrullis.
- Graph rewriting and Relabeling with PBPO+ : A unifying theory for Quasitoposes (Journal JLAMP) [doi] [arxiv] with R. Overbeek and J. Endrullis.
- Graph rewriting and Relabeling with PBPO+ (ICGT’21) [doi] [arxiv] with R. Overbeek and J. Endrullis.
- Blakers-Massey Connectivity Theorem from the perspective of Homotopy Type Theory, Master's thesis, supervised by Jérôme Scherer and Kathryn Hess Bellwald [pdf] [poster]
- Further topics in Logic & Vaught Theorem, Master project, supervised by Jacques Duparc, Gianluca Basso, and Louis Vuilleumier [pdf]
- Gödel’s Incompleteness, Bachelor's thesis, supervised by Kentaro Fujimoto [pdf]
- 2024 April 15 Correspondence between Composite Theories and Distributive Laws, SYCO12, [slides] [youtube] 🏆 Best presentation award
- 2024 April 07 Correspondence between Composite Theories and Distributive Laws, CMCS'24 [slides]
- 2023 October 26 Obtaining new quasitoposes: Fuzzy presheaves and partially simple graphs, NetTCS [slides]
- 2023 September 21 Partially Simple Graphs are Quasitoposes, TbiLLC'23, [slides]
- 2023 July 19 Fuzzy Presheaves are Quasitoposes, ICGT'23, [slides] [youtube]
- 2023 May 12 Fuzzy Presheaves are Quasitoposes, VU TCS [slides]
- 2022 April 02 Algebraic Presentation of Semifree Monads, CMCS'22 [slides]
- 2021 November 29 Algebraic Presentation of Semifree Monads, NetTCS (online) [slides]
- 2020 February 13 , Blakers-Massey Connectivity Theorem from the perspective of Homotopy Type Theory, VU TCS (blackboard presentation)